Friday Faves vol. 8

TGIF, friends!  Let’s talk about some of the stuff we are loving lately…

1. James Turrell, Breathing Light, at LACMA.  I just got back from a little vacay to California and while yes, something else really big did happen, one of the real highlights was taking my baby brother to LACMA and experiencing Breathing Light together.  Take advantage of any chance you may ever get to enter this installation, it is definitely worth taking your shoes off for.

James Turrell

2. Split Tickets: Charlotte’s Cultural Sector in Charlotte Magazine – by Andy Smith
We love that there is a wider conversation happening around the arts and support of the arts in Charlotte and how we can all work together to make it even more successful than we have been in the past.  Thank you to Charlotte Magazine for keeping the conversation going after the ASC’s Imagine 2025 event.  Now… what are we all going to do about it?

If you have any ideas or comments, contact us at We’d love to hear from you!

3. Jauma Plensa: Sculptures and Drawings at Davidson College – now on display.

imagesPlease go to Davidson College Galleries to see the Jaume Plensa exhibition on display now. The opening Reception is tonight from 5 – 8.  Last night I visited the show prior to the McGaw Artist Lecture given by Plensa, and had an almost emotional reaction to the works and the way in which they are arranged in the gallery.  During Plensa’s lecture, I realized why. Listening to the artist speak, he never once discussed a work without mentioning people viewing it or interacting with it. His work, and work in the public space as a whole is really about relationships: of viewer to art, of soul to body, of person to person.  It is about bringing together two or more things in a space and seeing how they relate to create something larger than themselves.

Find more information on the show here.

Happy Friday!

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